Understanding Guinea Pig Life
How Many?
The sweet spot for guinea pigs as pets is TWO. Guinea pigs are veritable poop factories. Yes, they are cute, and it sure is tempting to get more or try to have one for every kid at home, but consider all these factors, day after day, month after month, year after year, to help you decide if you are really up to the commitment needed.
More pigs =
More pigs require more of your resources, including the one more precious of all — time. If you have two who are getting along, it’s a wise idea to count your blessings. If you want more than two, just know what you are getting into ahead of time so you can be prepared.

Males vs. Females, which is BETTER?
The short answer is NEITHER. They both have their pros and cons which pretty much evens out the differences. And, it’s important to note that all guinea pigs have very different personalities. It’s important to give them a good, ample cage environment so that you can observe and appreciate those differences. When they are crowded in a cage that is too small, you won’t be able to enjoy them as much as you could.
Since males tend to get a little bit of a bad boy reputation due to their more aggressive behavior in certain circumstances, we think it’s important to point out that, a lot guinea pig people give a slight edge to males on the friendly and fun scale. Not by a huge margin and it’s still guinea pig personality-specific thing, but just to make the point that males really are worth the trouble.
Guinea Pig Pairings
In order from easy to challenging, here are guinea pig combinations and considerations. If you are brand new to guinea pigs and want to keep your life as easy as possible, then stay in green zone.
Sometimes later in life, things just change
Whether males or females, once in a while, something upsets the apple cart of a normally bonded pair or group.
With females, it can be triggered by hormonal changes of aging females that may have led to ovarian or hormonal problems. A female who gets aggressive later in life should get a vet check.
With males, something may trigger a change or a number two male may decide it’s time to challenge the top pig and take over.