Two very sweet girls looking for a new home

A Updated

Guinea pig info

Listing info

$20 per guinea pig

Rehoming because

I am looking to rehome my piggies because lately I’m finding myself not having a lot of spare time to physically interact with them and give them the appropriate amount of daily attention. Recently, we had to get rid of their bigger cage because it was falling apart and they were getting out, so we had to move them to their smaller cage that doesn’t really provide them with much daily exercise. It’s not like I don’t like care for them and love them, I just feel like I don’t have enough time to love them to the fullest extent. I would be very grateful to someone who would be interested in adopting these to sweet girls and to give them a better home.


Very Soon


11203, Holly Street, Foxcroft, Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, 64114, United States
Kansas City, Missouri  64114
In the US-Missouri-Kansas City region


913 353 2480
404 667 6763


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Closest Guinea Pig Rescues

Can you SHIP?

Sorry, NO. Please do not contact the owner and ask about shipping guinea pigs. It is NOT possible. Please look for guinea pigs LOCAL to you! That's what this site is for--helping you find a guinea pig close to home to adopt and love.

But I want THAT one!

Yes, that one is adorable and looks just like the one you must have for your very important reason or you will not be able to go on living. But, there are many more in your area that are just as wonderful. Perhaps they are not listed here, but they can be found. The piggy in need waiting for you near your own back yard might look a little different, but could melt your heart anyway!

Need help finding one or two?

We can help you. Take a look here for some great links and suggestions. And if you still need help with your search, check that page to reach out to us for some specific assistance. Volunteers are standing by willing to help you!

Adoption Jitters?

Are you a little antsy about adopting? Do not be afraid! Some basic precautions and you can be a guinea pig adoption angel in no time! Check out our "ADOPTING SUCCESS" article. Are you NEW TO GUINEA PIGS? Don't worry, we're here to help. Please check this page for some basics.